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Most Friends would agree that we "have no creed" in the sense of a verbal test of faith to which all must adhere. It doesn't follow, however, that we have no beliefs. These web sites explicitly state the religious or theological beliefs of the particular group. For Friends Yearly Meetings such statements are usually part of a "Book of Faith and Practice." Other organizations lay them out differently. These varied statements provide some examples of how particular groups of Friends articulate their beliefs. I'd like to collect more such examples, so if you find some -- or similar statements from other Peace Chuch organizations -- please EMail me the URLs at susan@read-the-bible.org. Thanks!
NOTE: This is NOT a comprehensive list of all Quaker organizations. For that, you should check www.quaker.org
Evangelical Friends International
One of the three "umbrella" organizations of Friends in the U.S. This site has a "beliefs" section but there's more about the group's beliefs under this "history" section. Note especially the way this group contrasts its beliefs with other branches of Friends and with some other Friends organizations such as AFSC and FCNL.
Friends General Conference
One of the three "umbrella" organizations of Friends in the U.S. Note that FGC says "it is our experience that..." rather than "we believe that...."
Friends United Meeting
One of the three "umbrella" organizations of Friends in the U.S. "Friends United Meeting commits itself to energize and equip Friends through the power of the Holy Spirit to gather people into fellowships where Jesus Christ is known, loved and obeyed as Teacher and Lord."
American Friends
Service Committee (AFSC)
"The American Friends Service Committee is a practical expression of the faith
of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Committed to the principles of
nonviolence and justice, it seeks in its work and witness to draw on the transforming
power of love, human and divine."
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
"A Quaker lobby in the public interest. We seek a world free of war and the threat of war. We seek a society with equity and justice for all. We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled. We seek an earth restored." Also check out the What is FCNL? section.
Friends Council on Education
Click on "Mission Statements" to see a list of over 30 K-12 Friends schools' Mission and Philosophy statements.
North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative)
Faith and Practice: Book of Discipline of the North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends.
Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends
Book of Faith and Practice.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting "Faith and Practice"
Also used by some smaller FGC Yearly Meetings that haven't written their own book of Faith and Practice.
Evangelical Friends Church Southwest statement of beliefs
"Our Beliefs" from a large western US Yearly Meeting.
George Fox University Mission Statement
"To demonstrate the meaning of Jesus Christ by...." See also Fox's Statement of Faith.
Quaker Universalist Fellowship
"...Friends and others who are influenced by the strains of Quaker thought that eschew literalism and celebrate the universality of inward religious experience."
Quaker House of Fayetteville, NC
"Quaker House is located in Fayetteville, N.C. - home to Fort Bragg, one of the largest Army posts in the United States, and Pope Air Force Base, one of the busiest bases in the country. Within a three hour drive are Camp Lejeune, one of the largest Marine Corps installations; two other Marine Corps Air Stations; and Ft. Jackson, the Army's largest training base. In this military setting Quaker House staff and volunteers have worked since 1969 to advocate peace and justice." The link is to Quaker House's statement of the Quaker Peace Testimony.
Clintondale Friends Church
Includes purpose statement, Faith and Practice, and a nice enlarged view (black-and-white) of the painting "Presence in the Midst" (which you might recognize!).
Friends in Christ
Independent Friends group in Maryland. "Our goal is to assist people into fulfillment as children of God through a living relationship with Jesus Christ." Check out "Values" under "About Us."
Houston Graduate School of Theology
High Point (NC) Campus. "We affirm our faith, not in order to exclude from the circle of faith those who may differ on some point, but rather to offer a positive witness as to the reality and experience of Christ and the Holy Spirit within our lives and within the community of faith which has nurtured us." See also their nice short Mission Statement.