Cross In the Beginning . . . The Presence in the Midst

Church of the Brethren

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Official Church of the Brethren Home Page

Unofficial Brethren web site, with lots of information and links.

The Religious Movements Page: The Brethren
Read about Brethren from the point of view of a University of Virginia sociology of religion student; history, theology, and links. Profiles of lots of other sects (and "cults") as well.

Brethren Groups
Lots of different Christian groups have the word "Brethren" in their name; here's a guide to understanding who's who.

"The Way of Peace"
Worship resources, including hymns, prayers, sermons and meditations.

Brethren Glossary
Much more than just a list of words with quick definition, this is actually a pretty comprehensive overview of Brethren history and present-day faith and practice.

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Brethren Beliefs

Basic Beliefs
From the Brethren Revival Fellowship, a conservative evangelical group within the Church of the Brethren.

Brethren Beliefs
Summary of Brethren history, with a link to a nice page about Brethren Beliefs, with biblical bases; from Trinity Church of the Brethren in Sidney, Ohio. Unfortunately as of 9/1/02 the Beliefs page seems to be malfunctioning; I'll check back later. 7/4/03 update - Brethren Beliefs link still not working; I've EMailed the webmaster.

"Peacemaking: The Calling of God's People in History"
1991 COB Annual Conference Statement.

Biblical Inspiration and Authority
1979 COB Annual Conference Statement.

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Brethren Practice

Explanation and biblical basis; "adapted from a brochure we distribute to anyone interested, written by Dean M. Miller."

"Polity for Free Ministry"
1998 COB Annual Conference Statement. "Historically, the ordained ministry within the Church of the Brethren consisted of a system known as the plural free ministry. Each congregation was served by more than one ordained [person] who earned their livelihood at regular occupations and gave their service to the church without charge." An idea whose time has come (back)?

please send suggestions of more links

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Early Brethren Writings

please send suggestions of links

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Recent Brethren Writings

The Vernard Eller Collection
Full text of books and articles by this important Brethren scholar, mostly on biblical topics and radical discipleship.

"The Fallacy of Higher Criticism (Isaiah -- Who Wrote It?)"
1984 article by Harold S. Martin.

"Resistance, Reproof, and Love of Enemies in Matthew's Narrative Ethic" Academic paper given at the International Consultation of Historic Peace Churches, Bienenberg, Switzerland, June 24-29, 2001; by Dan Ulrich, New Testament professor at Bethany Theological Seminary (Church of the Brethren).

please send suggestions of more links

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Brethren Publishers, Bookstores & Information Centers

Brethren Press

Brethren Heritage Center
In Brookville, Ohio (just west of Dayton).

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